Package Design |
- The most appropriate purpose-oriented package design at international standards is created with a Proactive approach under the light of gained experiments and by considering customer demands, product-specific information and competition conditions of the product’s own sector.
- Package designs created by means of proactive approach are subject to analysis under laboratory conditions and continuous improvement is ensured by conducted test products in the direction of on-site observations regarding product use, and of feedbacks.
Building a Model |
- The designs are built as model samples on model table by using computer-aided programs.
Graphic Design |
- Our graphic design department is both expertized in providing creative and authentic ideas for graphic design which is one of the most effective ways of making your product distinctive and can convert every type of graphic applications, provided by our customer, into required printing technologies, with a quick manner.
Proof Printing |
- Created graphic designs are presented to customers by the aid of big-size digital proof machines.
Color Separation |
- We provide digital files and film print-out service which are needed by preliminary preparation units in our sector.